Monday, May 29, 2023

Net Report 29-MAY-2023

Good net for a holiday!

Thank you Steve KC8WXM for taking the net today!

KC8WXMSteven A Sutton
KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
KE8RXNCollin Mcconkey
WB8HSBruce H Spence
KC2GKPPaul J Ferrara
K8PDPaul J Dobosz
KD8KBHPhilip N Rolfe
KE8YIUCharles Marsh
AD8KNRichard Klingensmith
N8SBEDavid E New
N8RJHRichard J Hughes
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
N8TJThomas E Janke
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KC0MYPDana F West

Monday, May 22, 2023

Net Report 22-MAY-2023

HUGE thank you to Dana KC0MYP for picking up the net while I was on the road!

Dana also stated he would be around to host the net next Monday on Memorial Day, with some help from the DMR Tech Net crew.

I will be out of town but the net is back on!

W8EMVEdward M Vielmetti
N8TJThomas E Janke
KE8SVEAdam C Draayer
N9NJSBrent L Cameron
KN6YKHDanny Boy Z Balcita Jr.
KE8NJTBrian G Vissers
KC8WXMSteven A Sutton
AD8KNRichard E Klingensmith
W8JMOJoshua M Osmialowski
W8EOEdward A Oxer
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
N9PNLAndrew R Gailey
W8LEWLouis E Wulfekuhler
WB8HSBruce H Spence
KE8RXNCollin Mcconkey
KD8GTXMichael F Greis
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
KE8HEPSteven R Novotny
W2DJGDavid J Green
KC0MYPDana F West

Monday, May 15, 2023

Net Report 15-MAY-2023

Congratulations to Rick - WA3TUU on his upgrade to Amateur Extra! Hard fought and well earned!

For those heading to Dayton, motor safe and may you find the flea market deal of your dreams.

I will be speaking about DMR (an overview plus some advanced features) this Thursday, May 19th at 7:00 PM at the Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club. If you cannot make it, you can always watch it live on Zoom. I will also make a recording available.

KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
KC0MYPDana F West
N8TJThomas E Janke
K8PDPaul J Dobosz
VK6MILGraeme G Lee
KE8SVEAdam C Draayer
W8JMOJoshua M Osmialowski
KB5BGCGary F Runcie
KC8WXMSteven A Sutton
KN6YKHDanny Boy Z Balcita Jr.
WB8HSBruce H Spence
KB8AOBRichard C Clemens
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
N4ALKAllan Karden
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
KD8GTXMichael F Greis
AC2ULRonald N Brown Jr
KE8NJTBrian G Vissers
KE8RXNCollin Mcconkey
N8NIFRichard K Seeley
N8RMADustin A Thomas

Monday, May 8, 2023

Net Report 8-MAY-2023

Welcome to all the new stations joining us this week - we hope we hear you back soon!

I am still looking for a co-NCS to help me run the net and it's operations. If that is you, contact Dustin N8RMA!

AD0KPHenry Hamblin
KK7IWUJasen S Hutchens
KN6YKHDanny Boy Z Balcita Jr.
KA9FONMilton Poulos
K8JMLJacob M Longanbach
W8JMOJoshua M Osmialowski
KC8WXMSteven A Sutton
N8NTVTerry L Becker
K8PDPaul J Dobosz
AC2ULRonald N Brown Jr
N8TJThomas E Janke
KE8SVEAdam C Draayer
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
KC1SRDMichael S Wengrovitz
N4ALKAllan Karden
KC0MYPDana F West
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
K8LRRobert H Tinney
NS8QChristopher E Ranes
KE8PSRTerry L Feichtenbiner
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
KE8NJTBrian G Vissers
KE8RXNCollin Mcconkey
WB8HSBruce H Spence
N8RMADustin A Thomas

Monday, May 1, 2023

Net Report 1-MAY-2023

Thanks to all who participated in the net this evening - very good turn out for a standard old Monday evening on 3126!

KE8SVEAdam C Draayer
KD8NPVJeffrey R Romence
KC0MYPDana F West
N8TJThomas E Janke
WB8HSBruce H Spence
W8EOEdward A Oxer
W8JMOJoshua M Osmialowski
N8SBEDavid E New
KE8NJTBrian G Vissers
WA3TUURichard E Klingensmith
KC8WXMSteven A Sutton
N8HLYThomas J Orlicki
KB8AOBRichard C Clemens
WB8QJZStanley F La Muth
N4ALKAllan Karden
KX8XXMark E Schmidt
KE8UQUMichael E Skelly Ii
WQ8AJames E Wilson
K8LRRobert H Tinney
KD8VJDAllan G Ostrander
N8NIFRichard K Seeley
KB8GFFSteve Horton Jr
KD8PTELucille T Scotti
KE8RXNCollin Mcconkey
KA9WPOShaun P Kostka
N8RMADustin A Thomas

This weekend is the Cadillac Amateur Radio and Computer Swap, so if you are in the area (or like to travel) you might want to check it out!

Saturday, May 6th 2023
Doors open @ 8:00 AM
Admission: $5.00

Mackinaw Trail Middle School
8401 S. Mackinaw Trail
Cadillac, MI 49601

Talk-In on the K8CAD Repeaster 146.980 MHz

Thank you to KX8XX for the information!